Sundae Punch

Wrote this for trumpet and played it myself. I’m also playing piano, flute, alto saxophone and bass guitar on this tune. Being able to play the actual instruments negates the need to write charts, find personnel and rehearse to coax them to do my bidding. The result is that no idea is out of reach and when (not if) I mess up, I can always do another take and not have any witnesses to report on the devastation. Never have to watch the clock nor be concerned about meeting payroll either.

Bass Fireworks

I’ve worked as a bassist in various funk/dance bands. The slapping, popping and thumping in this track is indicative of what’s required of bass players. A good friend showed me the basics and I picked a whole lot more from a Louis Johnson video. Became a fan of Jaco Pastorius, too. What a talent!  I have a 4-string Fender Jazz bass like he did, that’s how much I admired his playing. Everything adds up. I already knew how to play bass lines with my left hand on piano, knew music theory, chord substitutions, so all I had to do was to move it all over to the bass. The result is that I play bass on all of my recordings.  

At First Light

This is another of my compositions.  It’s featured in the documentary “Chasing the River.”  The producer needed 6 minutes of content but At First Light had only 4.  I had 6 weeks to add 2 minutes of content. Talk about pressure! The deadline compelled me to act because I wouldn’t have gotten paid if the work wasn’t done on time.  The extra 2 minutes begins at the 3:00 mark.  I’m playing piano, flute, saxophones and bass guitar on this tune.  Learned enough guitar to add several phrases with flute in the last 60 seconds and a solo guitar line at 5:42 but piano is where it all starts. If I don’t know piano, I don’t learn the other instruments.  It’s that vital. 

Danimal's Waltz

Yeah, you guessed it.  This is one of my compositions, too. My name is Daniel and “Danimal” is pretty close to that and reflective of the enthusiastic behavior that contributed to me receiving that nickname. I think this tune captures the playfulness and silliness in my character. At times, the tune feels like you’re driving downhill and the brakes give out. The live drumming adds to that feeling. The bass guitar slide at the end sounds like a big crazy mountain lion clawing at his next meal.  That’s called “playing” music. I get a chuckle out of it every time I hear it. I really look forward to it. Makes me laugh every time. Those who can only interpret symbols (i.e.,”read”music) don’t get permission to do creative and fun stuff like that. They’re missing out. Can you imagine being submissive like that and accepting being told what to do all the time?  I don’t know about you but that doesn’t work for me.  Freedom is in my DNA….. AND……. DAN!

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Recorded this tune to show off my classical chops. I was a flute major at Duquesne University and studied with members of the Pittsburgh Symphony, learned the ins and outs of flute playing. Observed and listened to good players to teach myself trumpet, trombone and percussion. I orchestrated and blew the parts for this piece. Who needs software? samples? computer generated sounds? Lazy people with no talent, that’s who! It’s challenging but it’s a helluva lot more fun to play the actual instruments. 

If You Never Come to Me

I recorded this right after I had gotten my alto back from the repairman. When I began playing, I felt some of the keys not responding properly. Was a little miffed and tried to shake loose the sticking keys by playing more aggressively than I had intended. Improvisation is the order of the day and I didn’t want to do another take so I just blew and played whatever came to mind to get the keys loosened up.I had just listened to some Coltrane so that wall of sound that he used is what influenced what I did here.

Pachelbel's Canon

I recorded this solely for educational purposes. You won’t find sheet music for this. I created the arrangement by analyzing the classics and copping the concepts of the composers.  It’s all numbers related and easily taught. Jazz borrows many techniques from classical music. Did you know that Bach and Beethoven were the jazz musicians of their day? Their admirers wrote down what they played note for note, disregarding the thinking processes that brought forth such great music. Future Blueprints will explain these concepts with simplicity and clarity so that you can begin thinking for yourself. Keep your eyes open for their appearance.

A Xmas Pig Tale

I created this in 2011 for some young family members. My eldest sister hosts Xmas Eve at her house. Good food, drink, company and as always, organized chaos in the form of wrestling and carrying on with the kids. The villain was a stuffed toy, a pink pig, something you might win at the carnival. I animated him and we all pretended that this Xmas Pig was out to get them, cause general chaos via the aforementioned wrestling along with sofa cushions being the weapons of choice. 20 t0 30 minutes was all that we could handle because invariably, a lamp would get knocked over or one of the kids would sustain an injury. Nothing serious ever happened but we would laugh until it hurt, it was that much fun. I tried to make the bass sound like a pig rolling around in the mud. The Baritone Sax plays the pig’s theme. I added trombone, flute, trumpet, piano and the drum kit throughout. Being able to play the actual instruments leaves no idea out of reach plus I don’t have to pay other musicians. Lots of positives.

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